By encrypting a message, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Decryption Password:
This password is optional. It must be entered by a recipient to decrypt the message. It is never sent to the server. Any character or symbol in any language can be used including spaces or emoji.
Please consider using a more secure password.
Message will be deleted after:
It is retrieved times
Or the message is old
Recipient restrictions:

After encryption reset:

Why Use This Service?

It offers a simple and effective way to help make your communications less permanent and in doing so can enhance your privacy and security.

Write Encrypted Message
Share Message With a Link
Decrypted and Deleted

Automatic Deletion of All Information

All information submitted to this service will be deleted automatically upon expiration. Every message submitted has an expiration time ranging from 1 minute to 2 weeks - once it expires the message is automatically deleted. Furthermore, the default setting is to delete the message as soon as it is retrieved. Our goal is to store information for the minimum time required.

E2E-Encrypted Temporary Messages

All messages are encrypted on your device before submitting to our server. We have no way to read them because we are never in possession of the decryption key. Only those with the link and optional password can decrypt and read the message. The main goal in utilizing end-to-end encryption is to prevent us from ever reading or accidentally leaking your information.

Minimize the Impact of Information Leaks

Year after year, your chats, emails, text-messages, etc. accumulate in databases and devices that you have no control over. Inevitably, one or more of the organizations or devices storing your communications is hacked and your information is leaked. Using encrypted temporary messages for sensitive communications can prevent their disclosure.

No Personal Information Is Ever Required

In order to use this service, we will not ask you for your name, your number, profile picture, email address, or anything that could identify you. The reason we do not ask for this information is because we want to know as little about you as possible. If we never collected your personal information, then we cannot disclose that information.

Open Source

All code used to implement this service (including the server) is freely available and open source. Standard AES-GCM encryption with a 256bit key is used for encryption. The standard Web Crypto API supported by your web browser is used for all encryption. This site loads no external code by default (and disables any other code from loading via CSP). The JavaScript used to call the Web Crypto API is purposely short, concise and simple (view it here). Loading the minimum code required to perform the required tasks means there is less room for errors and it keeps things simpler and easier to understand.

Browser Extensions

Gain some additional security and convenience

Our browser extensions offer some time-saving features such as quickly creating messages, a keyboard shortcut, context menu support to quickly create a message from any text in your browser, and storing your preferred settings. Finally, the code used to encrypt the message is stored locally in your browser which helps add additional security.
Browser Not Supported Sorry, but this site requires a modern browser in order to operate correctly. Please consider upgrading. Uh oh! Sorry, but you have to enter in some text to encrypt first. Uh oh! Sorry - something did not work right. If you feel this is a bug that should be fixed, please let us know. Sorry! This is not ready yet We are still waiting for this browser vendor to approve our extension. Once they do, we will activate this link. Please check back later. More Options Less Options